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Bill Number: HF 2099

-Prohibits retaliation by a PBM against a pharmacy based on the pharmacy's exercise of any right or remedy, or on the pharmacy's cooperation with the commissioner. 

-PBM prohibited from assessing, charging, or collecting any form of renumeration that passes from any pharmacist, regardless of whether the pharmacist is in a pharmacy network.

-For each maximum allowable cost list that a PBM uses, a PBM shall update the maximum allowable cost list within seven days from the date of an increase of 10 percent or more in the national average drug acquisition cost of a prescription drug on the list. 

-Requires that the annual report provided by a PBM to the commissioner of insurance regarding prescription drug benefits provided to covered persons of each third-party payor with whom the PBM has contracted during the prior calendar year be in a format that does not publicly disclose the identity of a specific third-party payor, the price charged by a specific pharmaceutical manufacturer for prescription drugs, or the amount of rebates provided for prescription drugs. 

Status: Signed
Category: Operations
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SF 2357
Position: Track
Bill Number: HF 2153

-Strikes requirement for CSAC to submit an annual report to the governor and the general assembly related to certain specified tuition grants and evaluate the tuition grants program. 

-Strikes CSAC's reporting requirements for the vocational-technical tuition grant and the skilled workforce shortage tuition grant program. 

Status: Signed
Category: Financial Aid & Fees
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SF 2366
Position: Track
Bill Number: HF 2539

-Increase damages for those who violate open meetings laws to $1000-$5000 (previously $100-$500)

-Requires a court to issue an order removing a member of a governmental body from office if that member has engaged in a prior violation of open meetings laws regardless of whether damages were assessed against the member during the member's term, which is a prerequisite to removal under current law. 

-Requires members elected or appointed to a governmental body to take an educational course provided by the governmental body on the provisions of open meetings and open records laws that are relevant to the member's position. 

Status: Sent to Governor
Category: Operations
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: HF 2062
Position: Track
Bill Number: HF 2586

-A person may be issued a permit to carry weapons if the person is a school employee of an institution of higher education that has not opted out of participating in the professional permitting of school employees. 

-A school employee issued a professional permit to carry by the department of public safety after completing department of public safety-approved training is entitled to qualified immunity from criminal or civil liability for all damages incurred pursuant to the application of reasonable force at the place of employment. 

-A school employee shall not be required, as a condition of employment, to obtain a permit. 

Fiscal Note: Legislative Services Agency (

Status: Signed
Category: Operations
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: HSB 675
Position: Monitor
Bill Number: HF 2615

-Requires community colleges to develop and publish a report related to the income and student loan debt of students who have completed an associate degree program, or any program that leads to a postsecondary certificate or other competency-based credential, offered by the community college. 

-If a school district employs a CCTC, the CCTC is responsible for providing copies of these reports and compilations of reports. 

-CCTC defined as a licensed school counselor or an appropriately trained individual responsible for providing direct services to students, parents, families, schools, and postsecondary institutions to support college preparation and postsecondary success, such as college preparation, financial aid processing, and transition to postsecondary institution enrollment. 

-The supplementary weighting associated with a shared operational function in the area of a CCTC shall not count toward the maximum amount of additional weighting for budget years beginning on or after July 1, 2024. 

Status: Signed
Amendments: 2982 (Passed) -Removes private institutions and barber/cosmetology schools -Replaces requirement to publish certain information with the publishment of the Iowa student outcomes website maintained by DE on CC websites
Category: Student Services
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: HF 2347
Position: Support
Bill Number: HF 2686

Fiscal Note: Legislative Services Agency (

Status: Sent to Governor
Category: Governance
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SF 2416
Position: Monitor
Bill Number: HF 2693

Corrections Education - $2,608,109

NOBA: 1449730.pdf (

Status: Signed
Category: Fiscal & Funding
Recent Action:
Position: Monitor
Bill Number: HJR 2006

-Requires a bill that increases the individual income tax rate or corporate income tax rate, or the rate of any other type of tax based upon income or legal and special reserves, to be adopted by at least two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the general assembly. 

-A tax on income or based upon income for individuals shall be imposed at a single rate if imposed, and a graduated rate of taxation on such income is prohibited. 

Status: Sent to Governor
Category: Fiscal & Funding
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SJR 2003
Position: Track
Bill Number: HR 116
Status: Adopted
Category: Student Services
Recent Action:
Position: Monitor
Bill Number: SF 574

-To be eligible to receive tax incentives under the program, a business's proposed project must be located on a certified site greater than 250 acres that the authority has determined is suitable for the project, and the business's qualifying investment in the project must exceed $1 billion. 

-In determining if a business is eligible to participate in the program, the authority shall consider a variety of factors, including but not limited to whether the jobs created by the business's project are high wage, low turnover, provide comprehensive benefits, and expose employees to minimal occupational hazards; the impact of the project on businesses that compete with the business applying to the program; and the project's economic impact on the state. 

-Applicaitons for the program shall be submitted and accompanied by an application fee. 

-Requires an eligible business that is approved to participate int he program to enter into an agreement with the authority that specifies the criteria for the successful completion of all requirements of the program. 

-An eligible business that has been issued a certificate under the program shall be entitled to a refund of the sales and use taxes for gas, electricity, water, and sewer utility services, tangible personal property, or on services rendered, furnished, or performed to or for a contractor or subcontractor and used in the fulfillment of a written contract relating to the construction or equipping of a facility that is part of the eligible business's project. 

-IEDA may authorize a tax credit for an eligible business that is up to 5 percent of the business's qualifying investment in a certified site. 

-An eligible business may withhold up to 3 percent of the gross wages paid to each employee in a created job that pays at least the qualifying wage threshold specified in the agreement. 

-If a foreign business's proposed project is located on a mega site that includes agricultural land, the requirements as detailed in the bill must be satisfied for the foreign business to be eligible for the program. 

-Except for the high quality jobs program, and the targeted jobs withholding credit, an eligible business may apply for and be eligible to receive other federal, state, and local incentives in addition to the incentives the authority issues to the business under the program. 

-Allows a community in which an eligible business's project is located to grant the eligible business a property tax exemption for a portion of the actual value added by improvements to real property directly related to the eligible business's created jobs. 

Status: Signed
Category: Fiscal & Funding
Recent Action:
Position: Track
Bill Number: SF 2385

-Alters authority of the director of DIAL to appoint executive directors for the board of medicine, the board of nursing, the dental board, and the board of pharmacy, and authorizes DIAL to provide staff support and inspections for those entities. 

-Establishes salaries of $10,000 per year for members of the board of education, the voting members of the council on health and human services, and the at-large members of the state board of regents.

-Requires DIAL review all current licensure renewal cycles for professional and occupational licenses issued in this state.

-Requires DIAL to review fees imposed by governmental entities for the issuance or renewal of a professional or occupational license. 

-Requires governmental bodies to provide for hybrid meetings, teleconference participation, virtual meetings, remote participation, and other hybrid meeting options, defined in the bill, for members of the governmental body to participate in official meetings. 

-Strikes requirements that state boards, commissions, committees, and councils meet annually, quarterly, or on a regular schedule. 

-Eliminates, modifies the membership of, and changes the duties of state boards, councils, committees, commissions, advisory groups, review teams, foundations, and other entities. 

-Reduces the membership of the board of education from nine voting members to seven voting members and adds the director of workforce development as a nonvoting member. 

-Requires all members of the economic development authority board to be appointed from the state at large. 

-Eliminates the dental hygiene committee, community college faculty advisory committee, postsecondary course audit committee, and ongoing quality faculty plan professional development committee.

Fiscal Note: Legislative Services Agency (

Status: Sent to Governor
Category: Governance
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SSB 3172
Position: Track
Bill Number: SF 2391

Requires community colleges to establish policies that prohibit the purchase of a food product that is misbranded as a meat product or that is a cultivated-protein food product. 

Status: Sent to Governor
Category: Operations
Recent Action:
Position: Track
Bill Number: SF 2405

-Defines "presidents council" as a council that is convened by the Iowa association of community college trustees that is made up of the presidents of the community colleges and the chancellors of the community colleges who serve as the chief executive officers of such community colleges.

-Modifies Code to provide that moneys appropriated by the general assembly from the general fund of the state to the department for community college purposes for general state financial aid for a budget year shall be allocated to each community college by the department pursuant to the terms of a distribution formula approved by the president's council

-If the president's council fails to approve a distribution formula, the bill requires the department to establish the distribution formula for general staid aid to the community colleges for the succeeding budget year. 

-Applies to budget years beginning on or after July 1, 2025. 

NOBA: 1448532.pdf (

Status: Signed
Category: Fiscal & Funding
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SF 2373
Position: Support
Bill Number: SF 2411

Division I - Regional Industry Sector Partnerships and Statewide Work-Based Learning Intermediary Network

-Repeals allowing use of money for PACE to provide staff and support for development/implementation of regional industry sector partnership w/in each region

-Repeals the work-based learning intermediary network 

Division II - Career and Technical Education and Work-Based Learning

-Allows work-based learning to qualify as one of the three sequential units of CTE courses taught in grades 9-12

Division III - Student Teaching

-Allows student teaching to be reduced to four weeks if the student is responsible for planning, instruction, and assessment w/in the classroom; the BOEE has issued a substitute license, substitute authorization, or para-educator certificate to the student, and the student has prior experience working as a substitute teacher/para-educator; and the student teaching experience takes place in the classroom of a cooperating teacher who is appropriately licensed in the subject area and grade level endorsement for which the student is being prepared

Division IV - Changes to Defined Terms

-Modifies definition of "work-based learning" for purposes of the Iowa registered apprenticeship Act, and for purposes of the community colleges and post-secondary readiness bureau within the higher education division of the department of education, to mean opportunities and experiences that include but are not limited to sustained project-based learning in partnership with an employer, simulated work experiences aligned with industry-recognized credentials, high-quality pre-apprenticeships aligned to an apprenticeship, student learner programs, internships, and apprenticeships

Division V - IWD - Workforce Opportunity Fund

-Establishes a workforce opportunity fund

-Any moneys appropriated to IWD for purposes of unemployment compensation reserve fund that remain unencumbered or unobligated as of July 1, 2024, but not more than $30 million, shall be deposited in the workforce opportunity fund

Division VI - Future Ready Iowa Skilled Workforce LDS Program

-Removes requirement to annually submit a new application to the commission for reevaluation of eligibility in order to receive a renewal of a scholarship

-Establishes a requirement for eligible students to have an SAI of $20k or less

-Creates a two-year award period

-Authorizes CSAC & IWD to adopt emergency rules to carry out the new requirements

NOBA: 1449829.pdf (

Status: Sent to Governor
Category: Financial Aid & Fees
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SF 2260
Position: Monitor
Bill Number: SF 2432

-Workforce Development Field Offices - $6,902,636

-Offender Reentry Program - $387,158

-Summer Youth Intern Pilot Program - $250,000

-Adult Education and Literacy Programs (IEDA) - $500,000

-Registered Apprenticeship Development Program - $760,000

-Manufacturing 4.0 - $2,016,675

-To develop a long-term sustained program to train unemployed and underemployed central Iowans with skills necessary to advance to higher-paying jobs w/ full benefits - $100,000

-For distribution to community colleges for the purposes of implementing adult education and literacy programs - $5,500,000

-STEM Internships - $633,325

-Intermediary Network fund - $0

NOBA: 1449793.pdf (

Status: Signed
Category: Fiscal & Funding
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SSB 3198
Position: Monitor
Bill Number: SF 2435

Statewide Clearinghouse to Expand Work-Based Learning - $300,000 

Postsecondary Summer Classes for High School Students Program - $600,000 

Iowa Jobs for America's Graduates (iJAG) - $9,646,450 

SGA - $235,858,161 (3.1%)

National Guard Educational Service Scholarship - $6,600,000 

All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Program - $3,229,468 

Last Dollar Scholarship - $23,927,005 

Future Ready Iowa Skilled Workforce Grant Program - $425,000 

Iowa Workforce Grant and Incentive Program - $6,500,000

Kibbie Skilled Worker Shortage Tuition Grant Program - $5,000,000

Workforce Training and Economic Development Funds (WTED) - $15,100,000 

Pathways for Academic Career and Employment Fund (PACE) - $5,000,000 

Gap Tuition Assistance Fund (GAP) - $2,000,000 

Workforce Preparation Outcome Reporting System - $200,000 

U of I - $223,496,355

ISU - $178,445,037

UNI - $101,894,146

Private College Iowa Tuition Grant Program - $52,707,069

For-Profit Iowa Tuition Grant Program - $110,700 

Accelerated Career Education Infrastructure Program (ACE) - $6,000,000 

Computer Science Professional Development Incentive Fund - $500,000

NOBA: 1449654.pdf (

Status: Signed
Category: Fiscal & Funding
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SSB 3201
Position: Monitor
Bill Number: SF 2442

Division I - Individual and Alternate Income Tax Rates Beginning in Tax Year 2025. 

-Moves up the future individual single rate from tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2025, and decreases the future rate from 3.9% to 3.8%. 

-Moves up the corresponding alternate individual income tax rate from tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2025, and decreases the future alternate rate from 4.4% to 4.3%. 

Division IV - Property Tax Procedures

-Changes the deadline for political subdivisions to file reports with DOM containing all necessary information for DOM to compile and calculate amounts required to be included in the statements mailed to property owners and taxpayers from March 15 to 4pm on March 5. 

Fiscal Note: Legislative Services Agency (

Status: Signed
Category: Fiscal & Funding
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: HF 2705
Position: Monitor
Bill Number: SJR 2004

A tax on income or based upon income for individuals shall be imposed at a single rate if imposed, and a graduated rate of taxation on such income is prohibited. 

Status: Sent to Governor
Category: Fiscal & Funding
Recent Action:
Companion Bills: SSB 3189
Position: Track
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