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SF 2385:


-Alters authority of the director of DIAL to appoint executive directors for the board of medicine, the board of nursing, the dental board, and the board of pharmacy, and authorizes DIAL to provide staff support and inspections for those entities. 

-Establishes salaries of $10,000 per year for members of the board of education, the voting members of the council on health and human services, and the at-large members of the state board of regents.

-Requires DIAL review all current licensure renewal cycles for professional and occupational licenses issued in this state.

-Requires DIAL to review fees imposed by governmental entities for the issuance or renewal of a professional or occupational license. 

-Requires governmental bodies to provide for hybrid meetings, teleconference participation, virtual meetings, remote participation, and other hybrid meeting options, defined in the bill, for members of the governmental body to participate in official meetings. 

-Strikes requirements that state boards, commissions, committees, and councils meet annually, quarterly, or on a regular schedule. 

-Eliminates, modifies the membership of, and changes the duties of state boards, councils, committees, commissions, advisory groups, review teams, foundations, and other entities. 

-Reduces the membership of the board of education from nine voting members to seven voting members and adds the director of workforce development as a nonvoting member. 

-Requires all members of the economic development authority board to be appointed from the state at large. 

-Eliminates the dental hygiene committee, community college faculty advisory committee, postsecondary course audit committee, and ongoing quality faculty plan professional development committee.

Fiscal Note: Legislative Services Agency (

Related Bills: SSB 3172  
Recent Actions
Position: Track
Topic/Subject: Governance

Last Modified: 05/20/2024

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