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Bill Tracker: March 10, 2023

Bill List - March 10, 2023
Category Bill # Sponsor Bill Explanation Comments Registration Status
Audit   Auditor of State If suspected of misuse of public funds, must cooperate with auditor to establish investigation. Any actions taken by auditor will be reimbursed by community college.    
Fiscal & Funding HSB 120 Governor  Excludes values of mobile home parks, manufactured home communities, land-leased communities, assisted living facilities, parcels primarily used or intended for human habitation containing three or more separate dwelling units, etc., from the calculation of the assessment limitation retroactively.  2/1 Introduced, referred to Ways and Means. 2/1 Subcommittee: Kaufmann, Bloomingdale, Forbes, Harris and Jacoby. 2/6 Subcommittee Meeting.  Undecided
Operations HF 139 - Successor to HSB 14 Economic Growth and Technology Committee Establishes a cybersecurity simulation training center at ISU. The Center would be available for political subdivisions (CCs) and shall support cybersecurity training.  1/26 Introduced, referred to Appropriations. 1/31 Subcommittee: Sorensen, Nordman and Wessel-Kroeschell. 2/2 Subcommittee Meeting.   
Career and Technical Education SF 398 - Successor to SF 264 Sinclair Requires DE to provide educational resources and technical assistance to school districts related to chartering career and technical student organizations related to robotics and robotics teams and competitions. Provides that high school athletic organizations that receive moneys from a school district to pay dues or membership fees, or moneys from a nonpublic school originating from the state to pay dues or membership fees, may sponsor or administer interscholastic contests or competitions related to robotics.  2/22 Committee recommends passage (12-0). 2/23 Introduced, placed on Calendar.   
Financial Aid & Fees SF 33 Dawson Resident tuition & fees at CCs and Regents for former naval personnel.  1/10 Introduced, referred to Veterans Affairs. 1/11 Subcommittee: Dawson, McClintock, Winckler. 1/25 Subcommittee Meeting. 1/25 Subcommittee Recommends Passage. 2/13 Committee meeting. 2/13 Committee recommends passage. (10-0).  Undecided
Student Services SF 252 - Successor to SF 58 Education Committee Can not force pregnant students to drop out and must provide them reasonable accommodations (defined in the bill) for them to complete their courses, including extra time to take exams and complete their degree. Specifically, speaks to housing for pregnant students on leave.  2/8 Committee recommends passage, with amendment (16-0). 2/8 Introduced, placed on calendar.  Undecided
Workforce Training SF 542 - Successor to SF 167 Workforce Committee Requires that the internship program to assist in placing Iowa students into internships that may lead to permanent positions with Iowa employers for those engaged in trades, i.e., welding, carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, etc. In short, prioritizes skilled trades jobs for much curricula decided by DE through work-based learning opportunities statewide.  3/2 Committee recommends passage (7-5). 3/6 Introduced, placed on calendar.   
Financial Aid & Fees HF 427 - Successor to HSB 91 Health and Human Services Committee Division XI - All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Program - Strikes the requirements for eligible foster care students to begin their enrollment at a community college within 2 academic years of graduation from high school or receipt of a high school equivalency diploma and excludes people over the age of 26 years within the definition of an "eligible foster care student".   2/21 Committee recommends passage with amendment (16-4). 2/24 Introduced, referred to Appropriations.   
Fiscal & Funding HF 370 - Successor to HSB 118 Wheeler Division I requires official in charge of bond issue to give notice by publishing time/place of sale, amount offered for sale, and other important information in at least 1 nationwide circulation or county newspaper. Division III gets rid of requirement that community colleges conduct an evaluation/assessment regarding implementation of an environmentally preferable cleaning policy and to purchase cleaning products that DAS deems environmentally preferable.  2/15 Committee recommends passage (23-0). 2/20 Introduced, placed on Calendar.   
Governance HF 653 - Successor to HF 2 Stone, Holt, Wheeler, Collins, Moore, Jeneary, Vondran, Fisher, Dunwell, Meggers, Wulf, Shipley, Bradley, Golding, Graber, Johnson, Deyoe, Mommsen, Boden, Kaufmann, Fry, Andrews, Thomson, Henderson, Wood, Hora, Osmundson, Windschitl, Grassley, Bossman, and Gerhold Public entities and public funds, when financially prudent, should avoid doing business with companies and investors that engage in economic warfare.  3/2 Committee recommends passage. 3/7 Introduced, placed on calendar.  Undecided
Workforce Training HF 613 - Successor to HF 3 Health and Human Services Committee Makes SNAP E&T a mandatory program for SNAP recipients. Limits access to food and types of food for working families. Forces Medicaid participants to work to access SNAP.  2/28 Committee recommends passage with amendment (12-9). 3/3 Introduced, referred to Appropriations. 3/9 Subcommittee: Fry, Ehlert, Matson, A. Meyer, and Stone.  Undecided
Workforce Training HF 639 - Successor to HSB 82 & Companion to SF 318 Governor  Establishes the Iowa office of apprenticeship within IWD. To qualify as an eligible apprenticeship, the program must include employer involvement, on-the-job training, related training instruction from a lead apprenticeship sponsor, and paid work experience. Establishes the Iowa apprenticeship council.  3/2 Committee recommends passage (13-8). 3/6 Introduced, placed on calendar.  Undecided
Academic Programs HF 203 Department of Transportation Allows persons who are qualified to give behind-the-wheel driving instruction but who are not licensed teachers to administer a final field driving test.  2/6 Introduced, placed on calendar. 2/15 Withdrawn. Undecided
Fiscal & Funding HF 171 Education Committee Establishes a state percent of growth of 3 percent for school funding.  2/1 Introduced, referred to Appropriations. 2/1 Committee recommends passage. 2/1 Placed on Appropriations calendar. 2/2 Fiscal note. 2/7 SF 192 substituted. 2/7 Withdrawn.   
K-12  HF 327 - Successor to HSB 119 Education Committee Division IV - Authorizes community colleges to offer/provide an instructor to teach any unit required grades 9-12. Division V - Authorizes a community college-employed instructor to teach 2 or more units in the same classroom at the same time.  2/15 Committee recommends passage (14-9). 2/15 Introduced, placed on calendar. 3/6 Amendments H-1054, H-1055, H-1056, H-1057, and H-1058 Filed. 3/7 Amendment H-1062 Filed. 3/8 Amendment H-1073 Filed. 3/9 Amendments H-1075, H-1076, H-1077, H-1078, and H-1079 Filed. 3/8 Amendment H-1073 adopted. 3/9 Withdrawn.  For
Career and Technical Education HF 257 - Successor to HSB 28 and Companion to SF 152 Transportation Committee Strikes the current list of third-party CDL testers and authorizes the DOT to adopt rules restricting the scope of third-party testers.  2/9 Introduced, placed on calendar.  2/9 Committee recommends passage (19-1). 2/15 Passed the House (79-20). 2/16 Introduced. 3/7 Passed the Senate (49-0).   
Career and Technical Education HF 258 - Successor to HSB 92 and Companion to SF 155 Transportation Committee Requires states to request information from the national drug and alcohol clearinghouse to determine individuals' ability to obtain a CDL. If someone is prohibited from obtaining a CDL, the individual must be downgraded within 60 days. If there is a violation, penalties are enforced.  2/9 Introduced, placed on calendar.  2/9 Committee recommends passage (20-0). 2/9 Fiscal Note (LSB1217HV). 2/15 Passed the House (99-0). 2/16 Introduced. 2/21 Referred to Ways and Means. 2/23 Subcommittee: Klimesh, Dickey and T. Taylor. 3/14 Subcommittee Meeting.   
Career and Technical Education HF 335 - Successor to HSB 27 & Companion to SF 156 Transportation Committee Farm-related service industry CDL exemption.  2/16 Introduction, placed on calendar.  2/16 Committee recommends passage (21-0). 3/9 Passed House (95-0).   
Governance HF 143 - Successor to HSB 13 & Companion to SF 203 Economic Growth and Technology Committee Defines ransomware and outlines penalties.  1/26 Introduced, placed on calendar. 1/31 Fiscal note. 2/1 Amendment H-1005 filed. 2/2 Passed House (98-0).   
K-12  SF 391 - Successor to SSB 1076 Governor  Strikes certain conditions on community colleges offering science and math classes to HS students and allows any cc to offer these classes. Authorizes community colleges to offer/provide instructors to teach any required topic in grades 9-12. Authorizes community college-employed instructors to teach 2 or more sequential units of one subject area in the same classroom at the same time in grades 9-12 for concurrent enrollment programs. Divisions 4 & 7 2/22 Committee recommends passage (10-6). 2/23 Introduced, placed on Calendar. 3/7 Amendments S-3048, S-3047, S-3046, and S-3042 Filed. 3/7 S-3042 adopted, all other amendments lost. 3/7 Passed Senate (33-16). 3/8 Amendment H-1074 Filed. 3/9 Amendment H-1081 and H-1073 adopted. 3/9 Passed House (62-34).  For
Operations HF 350 - Successor to HSB 144 Iowa Public Information board Requires that after a request for public records, the contact information of the individual retrieving the information, the approximate date of records release, and an estimate of any reasonable fees must be provided to the requester.  2/20 Committee recommends passage (23-0). 2/20 Introduced, placed on Calendar. 3/9 Passed House (96-4).   
Operations HF 430 - Successor to HF 10 Education Committee Requires mandatory reporters to report abuse of children over the age of 12. Establishes immunity for the school board or school authorities for discussing such incidents. Requires schools to contact the BEE about potential hires to determine if the person has been the subject of a complaint.  2/21 Committee recommends passage (13-8). 2/24 Introduced, placed on calendar. 3/7 Amendments H-1061 and H-1064 Filed. 3/8 Passed House (68-29). 3/9 Read first time, referred to Education.   
Fiscal & Funding SF 181 - Successor to SSB 1056 Ways and Means Committee Excludes values of mobile home parks, manufactured home communities, land-leased communities, assisted living facilities, parcels primarily used or intended for human habitation containing three or more separate dwelling units, etc., from the calculation of assessment. Estimated Aggregate Impact to Community Colleges: $4 million. Extends the budget certification deadline to April 30.  1/31 Introduced, placed on Ways and Means calendar. 1/31 Committee recommends passage (17-0).  2/1 Amendment S-3007 adopted. 2/1 Fiscal Note. 2/1 Passed Senate (49-0). 2/2 Introduced, referred to Ways and Means. 2/2 Subcommittee: Kaufmann, Bloomingdale, Forbes, Harris and Jacoby. 2/6 Subcommittee Meeting. 2/8 Subcommittee recommends passage. 2/8 Committee recommends passage (19-6). 2/13 Placed on Ways and Means calendar. 2/14 Amendment H-1020 filed. 2/15 Amendment lost. 2/15 Passed House (86-13). 2/20 Signed by Governor.  Undecided
Fiscal & Funding SF 192 - Successor to SSB 1081 Education Committee Establishes a state percent of growth of 3 percent for school funding.  2/1 Introduced, placed on calendar. 2/1 Committee recommends passage. 2/2 Fiscal Note. 2/2 Amendments S-3009-3012 (all lost). 2/2 Passed Senate (34-15). 2/6 Introduced. 2/6 Amendments H-1008-1009 filed (all lost). 2/7 Passed House (59-40). 2/7 Signed by Governor.   
K-12   HF 68 - Successor to HSB1 Education Reform Committee Educational Savings Accounts 01/18 Introduced, placed on calendar. 1/23 Scheduled for Debate. 1/23 Fiscal Note. 1/23 Amendment H-1001 adopted. 1/23 Passed the House (55-45). 1/23 Passed the Senate (31-18). 1/24 Signed by Governor Undecided
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