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Newsletter: CCforIowa June 30, 2023 Newsletter

New grant will help Eastern Iowa Community College kids explore college and career plans via Our Quad Cities New device gives students a peek inside the human body via The Messenger Letter to the Editor: Community colleges are a beacon of hope and opportunity to returning students via Los Angeles...
Perception is a powerful but often overlooked aspect of DEI. Perception is the subjective interpretation of experiences, influenced by our backgrounds and cultural perspectives. It shapes how we see others, make judgments, and decide, often unconsciously. Research by psychologists Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov revealed it takes a tenth of...
The team had a great time this past Tuesday at our staff retreat. We went to Jester Park and went on a morning hike before we did some team-building exercises, discussions of what we did this past year, and planning for the next. We were so spoiled by the beautiful...
Help us in celebrating Lissah by sending her well wishes for her birthday! We've decorated the office in her honor today :)
We wish everyone a fun and safe holiday weekend!
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