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Newsletter: CCforIowa January 4, 2024 Newsletter

With session less than one week away, all anyone can talk about is what our outlook is on the upcoming year. We are looking forward to hearing the Governor's State of the State, and next week will report out what her biggest goals are, how they may affect us, and...
New FAFSA Application Launched The Department of Education has been swamped with fixing glitches with the new FAFSA program leading to frustration for many colleges. The form is in a "soft launch" phase now as the process continues. We will continue to keep you all updated as to the new...
February 4-7, ACCT National Legislative Summit, Washington, DC The National Legislative Summit is the premier community college advocacy event in Washington, DC, bringing together more than 1,000 community college leaders. The event shines a spotlight on the importance of our nation’s community colleges for Congress and the Administration. The National...
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