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Condition of the State - Key Takeaways

Governor Reynolds' Condition of the State
January 9, 2024
  • Workforce
    • Future Ready Iowa Program
      • When began, 58% of Iowans had education beyond high school
      • Goal was to hit 70% by 2025
      • Hit 70% goal this year, thanked community colleges and apprenticeship programs
      • Last Dollar Scholarship:
        • Refocusing LDS to reward WBL experience and high demand career paths
  • Education
    • Board of Education considering 8 new public charter school applications
    • Special Ed & AEAS
      • Currently have 9 AEAs
      • Wants AEAs to focus solely on students with disabilities
      • Let school districts be in charge of special ed funding
        • In-house resources
        • Private companies
        • Region’s AEA
        • Neighboring AEA
      • Oversight by DE
    • Foundation of Reading Assessment required for Education majors to graduate
    • $96million for K-12 to increase teacher pay
      • 0-12 years of experience, starting pay $50,000
      • 12+ years of experience, minimum pay $62,000
  • Governance
    • Eliminate/Reduce/Combine 111 boards and commissions
      • Evaluate boards/commissions every 5 years
  • Taxes
    • Legislation last year = 3.9% flat rate by 2026
    • Governor says $1.83 billion surplus means tax payers are paying too much
      • 3.65% retroactively applied to January 1, 2024
      • 3.5% 2025
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