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SF 2405:


-Defines "presidents council" as a council that is convened by the Iowa association of community college trustees that is made up of the presidents of the community colleges and the chancellors of the community colleges who serve as the chief executive officers of such community colleges.

-Modifies Code to provide that moneys appropriated by the general assembly from the general fund of the state to the department for community college purposes for general state financial aid for a budget year shall be allocated to each community college by the department pursuant to the terms of a distribution formula approved by the president's council

-If the president's council fails to approve a distribution formula, the bill requires the department to establish the distribution formula for general staid aid to the community colleges for the succeeding budget year. 

-Applies to budget years beginning on or after July 1, 2025. 

NOBA: 1448532.pdf (

Related Bills: SF 2373  
Recent Actions
Position: Support
Topic/Subject: Fiscal & Funding

Last Modified: 05/20/2024

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